Sunday, November 28, 2010

About Active Search Results Page Ranking Technology

ASR Ranking is a new search engine page ranking algorithm that allows search engines to rank search results higher for websites where the owners or promoters of those websites have a history of performing actions or events defined as Activity.

The goal of ASR Ranking is to rank websites higher in organic search results where there are real active people supporting those websites. Websites will rank higher in the search engines results page (SERP) when the ASR Ranking is higher.

People searching the Internet benefit by having their search results include websites with more up-to-date information about products, services and content; fewer dead links on the visited websites; more search results from websites that are maintained on a regular basis and better feedback from inquiries sent to the website by those people who are searching.

An analogy would be similar to walking into a store where there are no employees to provide customer service such as answering questions or taking product returns. This is a store with low activity. On the other hand, a store with multiple people providing prompt customer service is a store with high activity.

It is easy to identify this type of activity when you physically walk into a brick-and-mortar store but is very difficult to recognize when you visit an online store (website). ASR Ranking offers the tool to separate the two by ranking a website higher in the search results when that website has higher activity, therefore, a higher ASR Ranking.

Website owners and promoters benefit due to no direct costs to promote their websites, an increase in traffic to their website and a higher visibility on the search engines.

The following section describes ways for website owners and promoters to earn a higher ASR Ranking at Active Search Results. As mentioned above, when you perform activity, your membership will earn a higher ASR Ranking and as a result, your websites will display higher in Active Search Results' search pages. The following table outlines some of the activity types that will earn your membership additional ASR Ranking Points which increase your ASR Ranking.

ASR Activity Types and Ranking Points
Activity ASR
Ranking Points
  Activate Membership 3
  Add a Backlink to ASR 3
  Sign In During the Past 1 Week Using the Alexa Toolbar 3
  Open 1 Email during the Past 1 Week 2
  Sign In During the Past 1 Week Without Using the Alexa Toolbar 1
  Submit New URL During the Past 1 Week 1
  Re-Submit URL During the Past 1 Week 1

As an example, compare two websites that are very similar with respect to the content, description, title, keywords, etc... We will refer to them as website A and website B. If website A's owner activated their membership (3 ASR Points), has signed-in (1 ASR Point) and resubmitted one or more websites during the past 1 week (1 ASR Point), they will have earned 5 ASR Ranking Points. If website B's owner signed-in (1 ASR Point), re-submitted their website during the past 1 week (1 ASR Point) but did not activate their membership (0 ASR Point), they will have earned 2 ASR Ranking Points.


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